Bible Verses About Morning

- Psalm 5:2-82 Listen to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for I pray to you. 3 Yahweh, in the morning you will hear my voice. In the morning I will lay my requests before you, and will watch expectantly. 4 For you are not a God who has pleasure in wickedness. Evil can’t live with you. 5 The arrogant will not stand in your sight. You hate all workers of iniquity. 6 You will destroy those who speak lies. Yahweh abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man. 7 But as for me, in the abundance of your loving kindness I will come into your house. I will bow toward your holy temple in reverence of you. 8 Lead me, Yahweh, in your righteousness because of my enemies. Make your way straight before my face. Related Topics: CheatingHateLiarsWaiting on the LordWorship
- Lamentations 3:21-2421 This I recall to my mind; therefore I have hope. 22 It is because of Yahweh’s loving kindnesses that we are not consumed, because his mercies don’t fail. 23 They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. 24 “Yahweh is my portion,” says my soul. “Therefore I will hope in him.” Related Topics: HopeKindnessMotivationNew BeginningsParenting
- Psalm 30:1-51 A Psalm. A Song for the Dedication of the Temple. By David. I will extol you, Yahweh, for you have raised me up, and have not made my foes to rejoice over me. 2 Yahweh my God, I cried to you, and you have healed me. 3 Yahweh, you have brought up my soul from Sheol. You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. 4 Sing praise to Yahweh, you saints of his. Give thanks to his holy name. 5 For his anger is but for a moment. His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Related Topics: AngerDepressionGriefHealingJoy
- Psalm 143:8-108 Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning, for I trust in you. Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to you. 9 Deliver me, Yahweh, from my enemies. I flee to you to hide me. 10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness. Related Topics: God's PlanGuidanceLoveLove and MarriageLoving Others
- Revelation 22:1616 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things to you for the assemblies. I am the root and the offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” Related Topics: Stars
- Mark 1:35-3935 Early in the morning, while it was still dark, he rose up and went out, and departed into a deserted place, and prayed there. 36 Simon and those who were with him searched for him. 37 They found him and told him, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38 He said to them, “Let’s go elsewhere into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because I came out for this reason.” 39 He went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out demons. Related Topics: DemonsLonelinessMissionsWhen You Feel Alone
- Psalm 59:16-1716 But I will sing of your strength. Yes, I will sing aloud of your loving kindness in the morning. For you have been my high tower, a refuge in the day of my distress. 17 To you, my strength, I will sing praises. For God is my high tower, the God of my mercy. Related Topics: God's ProtectionPraising GodProtectionSingingStrength
- Psalm 90:12-1712 So teach us to count our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 13 Relent, Yahweh! How long? Have compassion on your servants! 14 Satisfy us in the morning with your loving kindness, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. 15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen evil. 16 Let your work appear to your servants, your glory to their children. 17 Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us. Establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands. Related Topics: BeautyNew YearThe HeartWisdomWork
- Luke 1:76-8076 And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways, 77 to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the remission of their sins, 78 because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the dawn from on high will visit us, 79 to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace.” 80 The child was growing and becoming strong in spirit, and was in the desert until the day of his public appearance to Israel. Related Topics: MercySpiritual Growth
- Job 38:12-1312 “Have you commanded the morning in your days, and caused the dawn to know its place, 13 that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and shake the wicked out of it?
- Revelation 2:26-2826 He who overcomes, and he who keeps my works to the end, to him I will give authority over the nations. 27 He will rule them with a rod of iron, shattering them like clay pots, as I also have received of my Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star. Related Topics: Not Giving UpStars
- 2 Peter 1:19-2019 We have the more sure word of prophecy; and you do well that you heed it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts, 20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation. Related Topics: God's WordLightThe Bible
- Genesis 1:1-51 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep and God’s Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. 3 God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw the light, and saw that it was good. God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day”, and the darkness he called “night”. There was evening and there was morning, the first day. Related Topics: God's SovereigntyHeavenLightThe Holy SpiritWork
- Psalm 88:1313 But to you, Yahweh, I have cried. In the morning, my prayer comes before you.
- Psalm 118:2424 This is the day that Yahweh has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it! Related Topics: ContentmentCreationGratefulnessGratitudeHappiness
- Job 38:4-74 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if you have understanding. 5 Who determined its measures, if you know? Or who stretched the line on it? 6 What were its foundations fastened on? Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Related Topics: Stars
- Isaiah 50:4-54 The Lord Yahweh has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with words him who is weary. He awakens morning by morning, he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught. 5 The Lord Yahweh has opened my ear. I was not rebellious. I have not turned back.
- Genesis 22:33 Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his donkey; and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son. He split the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went to the place of which God had told him.
- Genesis 28:16-1916 Jacob awakened out of his sleep, and he said, “Surely Yahweh is in this place, and I didn’t know it.” 17 He was afraid, and said, “How awesome this place is! This is none other than God’s house, and this is the gate of heaven.” 18 Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil on its top. 19 He called the name of that place Bethel, but the name of the city was Luz at the first.
- Psalm 65:88 They also who dwell in faraway places are afraid at your wonders. You call the morning’s dawn and the evening with songs of joy.
- Psalm 130:5-85 I wait for Yahweh. My soul waits. I hope in his word. 6 My soul longs for the Lord more than watchmen long for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning. 7 Israel, hope in Yahweh, for there is loving kindness with Yahweh. Abundant redemption is with him. 8 He will redeem Israel from all their sins. Related Topics: HopeRedemptionWaitingWaiting on the Lord
- Psalm 119:147147 I rise before dawn and cry for help. I put my hope in your words.
- Romans 8:28-3228 We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose. 29 For whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 Whom he predestined, those he also called. Whom he called, those he also justified. Whom he justified, those he also glorified. 31 What then shall we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who didn’t spare his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how would he not also with him freely give us all things? Related Topics: AnxietyGod's LoveJoyLoveStrength
- Exodus 29:38-4038 “Now this is that which you shall offer on the altar: two lambs a year old day by day continually. 39 The one lamb you shall offer in the morning; and the other lamb you shall offer at evening; 40 and with the one lamb a tenth part of an ephah of fine flour mixed with the fourth part of a hin of beaten oil, and the fourth part of a hin of wine for a drink offering.
- Ecclesiastes 11:66 In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening don’t withhold your hand; for you don’t know which will prosper, whether this or that, or whether they both will be equally good. Related Topics: Planting Seeds
- Genesis 19:27-2827 Abraham went up early in the morning to the place where he had stood before Yahweh. 28 He looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and saw that the smoke of the land went up as the smoke of a furnace.
- Exodus 18:13-1413 On the next day, Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood around Moses from the morning to the evening. 14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that he did to the people, he said, “What is this thing that you do for the people? Why do you sit alone, and all the people stand around you from morning to evening?”
- Matthew 16:1-41 The Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing him, asked him to show them a sign from heaven. 2 But he answered them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ 3 In the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but you can’t discern the signs of the times! 4 An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and there will be no sign given to it, except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” He left them and departed. Related Topics: Hypocrisy
- Hosea 6:44 “Ephraim, what shall I do to you? Judah, what shall I do to you? For your love is like a morning cloud, and like the dew that disappears early.
- Genesis 1:88 God called the expanse “sky”. There was evening and there was morning, a second day.
- Isaiah 14:1212 How you have fallen from heaven, shining one, son of the dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, who laid the nations low!
- Matthew 20:11 “For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who was the master of a household, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
- Jeremiah 21:1212 House of David, Yahweh says, ‘Execute justice in the morning, and deliver him who is robbed out of the hand of the oppressor, lest my wrath go out like fire, and burn so that no one can quench it, because of the evil of your doings.
- Mark 16:1-81 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, that they might come and anoint him. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen. 3 They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?” 4 for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back. 5 Entering into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe; and they were amazed. 6 He said to them, “Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him! 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He goes before you into Galilee. There you will see him, as he said to you.’” 8 They went out, and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had come on them. They said nothing to anyone; for they were afraid. Related Topics: EasterResurrection
- 2 Samuel 23:1-71 Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse says, the man who was raised on high says, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet psalmist of Israel: 2 “Yahweh’s Spirit spoke by me. His word was on my tongue. 3 The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spoke to me, ‘One who rules over men righteously, who rules in the fear of God, 4 shall be as the light of the morning when the sun rises, a morning without clouds, when the tender grass springs out of the earth, through clear shining after rain.’ 5 Isn’t my house so with God? Yet he has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure, for it is all my salvation and all my desire. Won’t he make it grow? 6 But all the ungodly will be as thorns to be thrust away, because they can’t be taken with the hand. 7 The man who touches them must be armed with iron and the staff of a spear. They will be utterly burned with fire in their place.” Related Topics: Fear of the LordLightThe Holy Spirit
- Exodus 34:2-42 Be ready by the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself there to me on the top of the mountain. 3 No one shall come up with you or be seen anywhere on the mountain. Do not let the flocks or herds graze in front of that mountain.” 4 He chiseled two tablets of stone like the first; then Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up to Mount Sinai, as Yahweh had commanded him, and took in his hand two stone tablets.
- Isaiah 33:22 Yahweh, be gracious to us. We have waited for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble. Related Topics: CancerWaitingWaiting on the Lord
- 1 Kings 18:2626 They took the bull which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, “Baal, hear us!” But there was no voice, and nobody answered. They leaped about the altar which was made.
- Psalm 92:1-31 A Psalm. A song for the Sabbath day. It is a good thing to give thanks to Yahweh, to sing praises to your name, Most High, 2 to proclaim your loving kindness in the morning, and your faithfulness every night, 3 with the ten-stringed lute, with the harp, and with the melody of the lyre. Related Topics: Being ThankfulGratitudeMusicPraising GodThankfulness
- 1 Samuel 5:44 When they arose early on the following morning, behold, Dagon had fallen on his face to the ground before Yahweh’s ark; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off on the threshold. Only Dagon’s torso was intact.
- John 8:22 Now very early in the morning, he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him. He sat down and taught them.
- Psalm 57:7-107 My heart is steadfast, God. My heart is steadfast. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises. 8 Wake up, my glory! Wake up, lute and harp! I will wake up the dawn. 9 I will give thanks to you, Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to you among the nations. 10 For your great loving kindness reaches to the heavens, and your truth to the skies. Related Topics: PraiseSingingTruthWorshipWorshiping God
- Psalm 25:4-54 Show me your ways, Yahweh. Teach me your paths. 5 Guide me in your truth, and teach me, For you are the God of my salvation. I wait for you all day long. Related Topics: EducationLearningSalvationTeachingWaiting
- Joshua 3:11 Joshua got up early in the morning; and they moved from Shittim and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel. They camped there before they crossed over.
- Ezekiel 46:13-1513 “‘“You shall prepare a lamb a year old without defect for a burnt offering to Yahweh daily. Morning by morning you shall prepare it. 14 You shall prepare a meal offering with it morning by morning, the sixth part of an ephah, and the third part of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour; a meal offering to Yahweh continually by a perpetual ordinance. 15 Thus they shall prepare the lamb, the meal offering, and the oil, morning by morning, for a continual burnt offering.”
- Genesis 20:88 Abimelech rose early in the morning, and called all his servants, and told all these things in their ear. The men were very scared.
- Acts 28:23-2723 When they had appointed him a day, many people came to him at his lodging. He explained to them, testifying about God’s Kingdom, and persuading them concerning Jesus, both from the law of Moses and from the prophets, from morning until evening. 24 Some believed the things which were spoken, and some disbelieved. 25 When they didn’t agree among themselves, they departed after Paul had spoken one message: “The Holy Spirit spoke rightly through Isaiah the prophet to our fathers, 26 saying, ‘Go to this people and say, in hearing, you will hear, but will in no way understand. In seeing, you will see, but will in no way perceive. 27 For this people’s heart has grown callous. Their ears are dull of hearing. Their eyes they have closed. Lest they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and would turn again, then I would heal them.’ Related Topics: ListeningThe HeartUnderstanding
- Genesis 31:5555 Early in the morning, Laban rose up, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them. Laban departed and returned to his place.
- Matthew 6:3434 Therefore don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient. Related Topics: ContentmentMental HealthOverwhelming TimesStruggles
- Exodus 8:2020 Yahweh said to Moses, “Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh; behold, he comes out to the water; and tell him, ‘This is what Yahweh says, “Let my people go, that they may serve me.
- Genesis 29:2525 In the morning, behold, it was Leah! He said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? Didn’t I serve with you for Rachel? Why then have you deceived me?”
- Exodus 9:1313 Yahweh said to Moses, “Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and tell him, ‘This is what Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, says: “Let my people go, that they may serve me.
- Matthew 27:11 Now when morning had come, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death.
- Psalm 55:17-1817 Evening, morning, and at noon, I will cry out in distress. He will hear my voice. 18 He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me, although there are many who oppose me.
- Genesis 1:1313 There was evening and there was morning, a third day.
- Job 1:55 It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually. Related Topics: Worship
- Genesis 1:1919 There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.
- Isaiah 58:88 Then your light will break out as the morning, and your healing will appear quickly; then your righteousness shall go before you, and Yahweh’s glory will be your rear guard. Related Topics: Healing
- Exodus 27:2121 In the Tent of Meeting, outside the veil which is before the covenant, Aaron and his sons shall keep it in order from evening to morning before Yahweh: it shall be a statute forever throughout their generations on the behalf of the children of Israel.
- Exodus 16:7-87 In the morning, you shall see Yahweh’s glory; because he hears your murmurings against Yahweh. Who are we, that you murmur against us?” 8 Moses said, “Now Yahweh will give you meat to eat in the evening, and in the morning bread to satisfy you, because Yahweh hears your murmurings which you murmur against him. And who are we? Your murmurings are not against us, but against Yahweh.”
- Joshua 8:10-1410 Joshua rose up early in the morning, mustered the people, and went up, he and the elders of Israel, before the people to Ai. 11 All the people, even the men of war who were with him, went up and came near, and came before the city and encamped on the north side of Ai. Now there was a valley between him and Ai. 12 He took about five thousand men, and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of the city. 13 So they set the people, even all the army who was on the north of the city, and their ambush on the west of the city; and Joshua went that night into the middle of the valley. 14 When the king of Ai saw it, they hurried and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at the time appointed, before the Arabah; but he didn’t know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.
- Numbers 9:2121 Sometimes the cloud was from evening until morning; and when the cloud was taken up in the morning, they traveled; or by day and by night, when the cloud was taken up, they traveled.
- Job 3:99 Let the stars of its twilight be dark. Let it look for light, but have none, neither let it see the eyelids of the morning, Related Topics: Stars
- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-1816 Always rejoice. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you. Related Topics: God's PlanJoyPrayerThanksgivingWorship
- Genesis 41:88 In the morning, his spirit was troubled, and he sent and called for all of Egypt’s magicians and wise men. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was no one who could interpret them to Pharaoh.
- Exodus 7:1515 Go to Pharaoh in the morning. Behold, he is going out to the water. You shall stand by the river’s bank to meet him. You shall take the rod which was turned to a serpent in your hand.
- Psalm 84:10-1110 For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. 11 For Yahweh God is a sun and a shield. Yahweh will give grace and glory. He withholds no good thing from those who walk blamelessly. Related Topics: God's GoodnessGraceHopeLightWorship
- 1 Samuel 17:2020 David rose up early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper, and took the provisions and went, as Jesse had commanded him. He came to the place of the wagons as the army which was going out to the fight shouted for the battle.
- Romans 13:1212 The night is far gone, and the day is near. Let’s therefore throw off the deeds of darkness, and let’s put on the armor of light. Related Topics: HalloweenWork
- Leviticus 6:1212 The fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it, it shall not go out; and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning. He shall lay the burnt offering in order upon it, and shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings.
- Exodus 16:2121 They gathered it morning by morning, everyone according to his eating. When the sun grew hot, it melted.
- Numbers 22:2121 Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his donkey, and went with the princes of Moab.
- Genesis 26:3131 They rose up some time in the morning, and swore an oath to one another. Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace.
- Romans 15:1313 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit. Related Topics: EncouragementJoyMotivationPeaceStrength
- Job 41:1818 His sneezing flashes out light. His eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
- Joshua 6:1515 On the seventh day, they rose early at the dawning of the day, and marched around the city in the same way seven times. On this day only they marched around the city seven times.
- Zephaniah 3:55 Yahweh, within her, is righteous. He will do no wrong. Every morning he brings his justice to light. He doesn’t fail, but the unjust know no shame.
- Joshua 7:1414 In the morning therefore you shall be brought near by your tribes. It shall be that the tribe which Yahweh selects shall come near by families. The family which Yahweh selects shall come near by households. The household which Yahweh selects shall come near man by man.
- Numbers 16:55 He said to Korah and to all his company, “In the morning, Yahweh will show who are his, and who is holy, and will cause him to come near to him. Even him whom he shall choose, he will cause to come near to him.
- Acts 12:1818 Now as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers about what had become of Peter.
- Psalm 86:11-1311 Teach me your way, Yahweh. I will walk in your truth. Make my heart undivided to fear your name. 12 I will praise you, Lord my God, with my whole heart. I will glorify your name forever more. 13 For your loving kindness is great toward me. You have delivered my soul from the lowest Sheol. Related Topics: Being ThankfulFear of the LordThe HeartTruthWalking by Faith
- Judges 6:2828 When the men of the city arose early in the morning, behold, the altar of Baal was broken down, and the Asherah was cut down that was by it, and the second bull was offered on the altar that was built.
- Genesis 19:1515 When the morning came, then the angels hurried Lot, saying, “Get up! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be consumed in the iniquity of the city.”
- Exodus 36:33 They received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, with which to make it. They kept bringing free will offerings to him every morning.