Bible Verses About Being Happy

- Philippians 4:4-134 Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, “Rejoice!” 5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report: if there is any virtue and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 Do the things which you learned, received, heard, and saw in me, and the God of peace will be with you. 10 But I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your thought for me; in which you did indeed take thought, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak because of lack, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content in it. 12 I know how to be humbled, and I also know how to abound. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Related Topics: AnxietyEncouragementFaithPrayerStrength
- Psalm 16:7-117 I will bless Yahweh, who has given me counsel. Yes, my heart instructs me in the night seasons. 8 I have set Yahweh always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices. My body shall also dwell in safety. 10 For you will not leave my soul in Sheol, neither will you allow your holy one to see corruption. 11 You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. In your right hand there are pleasures forever more. Related Topics: GraduationHopeJoyMotivationStress
- Romans 15:1313 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit. Related Topics: EncouragementJoyMotivationPeaceStrength
- 1 Peter 4:12-1412 Beloved, don’t be astonished at the fiery trial which has come upon you to test you, as though a strange thing happened to you. 13 But because you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, rejoice, that at the revelation of his glory you also may rejoice with exceeding joy. 14 If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. On their part he is blasphemed, but on your part he is glorified. Related Topics: DepressionJoySpiritual WarfareStressTemptation
- Proverbs 16:2020 He who heeds the Word finds prosperity. Whoever trusts in Yahweh is blessed. Related Topics: Trust
- Hebrews 12:1-31 Therefore let’s also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with perseverance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider him who has endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, that you don’t grow weary, fainting in your souls. Related Topics: FaithMotivationPatiencePerseveranceStress
- Luke 12:16-2016 He spoke a parable to them, saying, “The ground of a certain rich man produced abundantly. 17 He reasoned within himself, saying, ‘What will I do, because I don’t have room to store my crops?’ 18 He said, ‘This is what I will do. I will pull down my barns, build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 I will tell my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years. Take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.”’ 20 “But God said to him, ‘You foolish one, tonight your soul is required of you. The things which you have prepared—whose will they be?’ Related Topics: HappinessTrust
- Psalm 37:3-43 Trust in Yahweh, and do good. Dwell in the land, and enjoy safe pasture. 4 Also delight yourself in Yahweh, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Related Topics: BusinessDatingGraduationHappinessTrusting God
- John 15:10-1210 If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, even as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. 11 I have spoken these things to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be made full. 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. Related Topics: Giving to OthersLoving Your HusbandLoving Your NeighborMarriage and LoveRejoicing
- Proverbs 3:13-1813 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gets understanding. 14 For her good profit is better than getting silver, and her return is better than fine gold. 15 She is more precious than rubies. None of the things you can desire are to be compared to her. 16 Length of days is in her right hand. In her left hand are riches and honor. 17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness. All her paths are peace. 18 She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her. Happy is everyone who retains her. Related Topics: BeautyBreakupsHappinessPeacePeace and Love
- James 1:2-52 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Related Topics: GraduationHelping OthersJoyMotivationPatience
- John 16:20-2220 Most certainly I tell you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. 21 A woman, when she gives birth, has sorrow because her time has come. But when she has delivered the child, she doesn’t remember the anguish any more, for the joy that a human being is born into the world. 22 Therefore you now have sorrow, but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. Related Topics: BabiesDeath of a Loved OneGriefKids
- Galatians 5:22-2322 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Related Topics: God's LoveJoyLoveMother's DayMothers
- Proverbs 29:1717 Correct your son, and he will give you peace; yes, he will bring delight to your soul. Related Topics: ChildrenDaughtersKidsSons
- Psalm 128:1-21 A Song of Ascents. Blessed is everyone who fears Yahweh, who walks in his ways. 2 For you will eat the labor of your hands. You will be happy, and it will be well with you. Related Topics: HappinessHard WorkProsperityWorkingWorking Hard
- Ecclesiastes 3:12-1312 I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice, and to do good as long as they live. 13 Also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy good in all his labor, is the gift of God. Related Topics: Gifts
- 1 Peter 1:6-96 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved in various trials, 7 that the proof of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes, even though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ— 8 whom, not having known, you love. In him, though now you don’t see him, yet believing, you rejoice greatly with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory, 9 receiving the result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. Related Topics: GratitudeHappinessSufferingTemptationTrials
- Romans 5:1-111 Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; 2 through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only this, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5 and hope doesn’t disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. 6 For while we were yet weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will hardly die for a righteous man. Yet perhaps for a good person someone would even dare to die. 8 But God commends his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we will be saved from God’s wrath through him. 10 For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we will be saved by his life. 11 Not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. Related Topics: EncouragementFaithHopeLove
- Nehemiah 8:1010 Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared, for today is holy to our Lord. Don’t be grieved, for the joy of Yahweh is your strength.” Related Topics: Being StrongGod's StrengthRejoicingStrength and Courage
- Proverbs 23:22-2522 Listen to your father who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when she is old. 23 Buy the truth, and don’t sell it. Get wisdom, discipline, and understanding. 24 The father of the righteous has great joy. Whoever fathers a wise child delights in him. 25 Let your father and your mother be glad! Let her who bore you rejoice! Related Topics: Father's DayJoyKidsMother's DayMothers
- Ecclesiastes 9:7-107 Go your way—eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has already accepted your works. 8 Let your garments be always white, and don’t let your head lack oil. 9 Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your life of vanity, which he has given you under the sun, all your days of vanity, for that is your portion in life, and in your labor in which you labor under the sun. 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor plan, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol, where you are going. Related Topics: AlcoholDeathDrinkingMarriageWork
- Proverbs 14:1313 Even in laughter the heart may be sorrowful, and mirth may end in heaviness. Related Topics: EmotionsHappinessLaughter
- Luke 1:1414 You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.
- Psalm 144:1515 Happy are the people who are in such a situation. Happy are the people whose God is Yahweh.
- Proverbs 15:1313 A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but an aching heart breaks the spirit. Related Topics: ContentmentHappiness
- 1 Peter 3:1414 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “Don’t fear what they fear, neither be troubled.” Related Topics: Righteousness
- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-1816 Always rejoice. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you. Related Topics: God's PlanJoyPrayerThanksgivingWorship
- Proverbs 17:2222 A cheerful heart makes good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Related Topics: ChristmasContentmentHappinessStressTrusting God
- Job 5:1717 “Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects. Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. Related Topics: Happiness
- Romans 14:1717 for God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Related Topics: RejoicingThe Holy Spirit
- James 5:1111 Behold, we call them blessed who endured. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and have seen the Lord in the outcome, and how the Lord is full of compassion and mercy. Related Topics: CompassionFrustrationGod's MercyMercyTrials
- Deuteronomy 24:55 When a man takes a new wife, he shall not go out in the army, neither shall he be assigned any business. He shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer his wife whom he has taken. Related Topics: BusinessHappinessHusbandsMarriage Problems
- Psalm 1:1-41 Blessed is the man who doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand on the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in Yahweh’s law. On his law he meditates day and night. 3 He will be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that produces its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not wither. Whatever he does shall prosper. 4 The wicked are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind drives away. Related Topics: BlessingsGraduationMotivationSinSpring
- Isaiah 12:2-62 Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust, and will not be afraid; for Yah, Yahweh, is my strength and song; and he has become my salvation.” 3 Therefore with joy you will draw water out of the wells of salvation. 4 In that day you will say, “Give thanks to Yahweh! Call on his name! Declare his doings among the peoples! Proclaim that his name is exalted! 5 Sing to Yahweh, for he has done excellent things! Let this be known in all the earth! 6 Cry aloud and shout, you inhabitant of Zion, for the Holy One of Israel is great among you!” Related Topics: CourageHappinessStrengthThankfulnessTrust
- James 5:1313 Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praises. Related Topics: HappinessJoyMusicPraisePraising God
- Proverbs 15:1515 All the days of the afflicted are wretched, but one who has a cheerful heart enjoys a continual feast.
- Psalm 21:5-75 His glory is great in your salvation. You lay honor and majesty on him. 6 For you make him most blessed forever. You make him glad with joy in your presence. 7 For the king trusts in Yahweh. Through the loving kindness of the Most High, he shall not be moved.
- Jeremiah 15:15-1615 Yahweh, you know. Remember me, visit me, and avenge me of my persecutors. You are patient, so don’t take me away. Know that for your sake I have suffered reproach. 16 Your words were found, and I ate them. Your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by your name, Yahweh, God of Armies. Related Topics: God's WordJoyRejoicingThe Bible
- Genesis 21:66 Sarah said, “God has made me laugh. Everyone who hears will laugh with me.”
- 1 Thessalonians 3:9-109 For what thanksgiving can we render again to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sakes before our God, 10 night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and may perfect that which is lacking in your faith? Related Topics: HappinessRejoicing
- Psalm 127:3-53 Behold, children are a heritage of Yahweh. The fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the children of youth. 5 Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. They won’t be disappointed when they speak with their enemies in the gate. Related Topics: AbortionChildrenFamilyMother's DayMothers
- 1 Timothy 6:6-106 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out. 8 But having food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation, a snare, and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some have been led astray from the faith in their greed, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Related Topics: GreedHappinessLustMoneyStewardship
- Ecclesiastes 2:2626 For to the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he gives travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him who pleases God. This also is vanity and a chasing after wind. Related Topics: GiftsHappinessWealthWisdom
- Psalm 126:2-32 Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “Yahweh has done great things for them.” 3 Yahweh has done great things for us, and we are glad. Related Topics: HappinessLaughterSinging
- Matthew 25:2121 “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ Related Topics: HappinessJoy
- Ecclesiastes 2:1-21 I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure;” and behold, this also was vanity. 2 I said of laughter, “It is foolishness;” and of mirth, “What does it accomplish?” Related Topics: HappinessLaughter
- Ecclesiastes 11:99 Rejoice, young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes; but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment. Related Topics: God's JudgmentJudgment
- Romans 12:14-1614 Bless those who persecute you; bless, and don’t curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. 16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Don’t set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Don’t be wise in your own conceits. Related Topics: BlessingsFriendsGriefJoyPride
- Luke 6:20-2320 He lifted up his eyes to his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for God’s Kingdom is yours. 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. 22 Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude and mock you, and throw out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake. 23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven, for their fathers did the same thing to the prophets. Related Topics: ContentmentHappinessHelping the Poor and NeedyJoyPersecution
- Proverbs 11:2020 Those who are perverse in heart are an abomination to Yahweh, but those whose ways are blameless are his delight. Related Topics: PurityThe Heart
- Jonah 4:5-115 Then Jonah went out of the city and sat on the east side of the city, and there made himself a booth and sat under it in the shade, until he might see what would become of the city. 6 Yahweh God prepared a vine and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head to deliver him from his discomfort. So Jonah was exceedingly glad because of the vine. 7 But God prepared a worm at dawn the next day, and it chewed on the vine so that it withered. 8 When the sun arose, God prepared a sultry east wind; and the sun beat on Jonah’s head, so that he was faint and requested for himself that he might die. He said, “It is better for me to die than to live.” 9 God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the vine?” He said, “I am right to be angry, even to death.” 10 Yahweh said, “You have been concerned for the vine, for which you have not labored, neither made it grow; which came up in a night and perished in a night. 11 Shouldn’t I be concerned for Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred twenty thousand persons who can’t discern between their right hand and their left hand, and also many animals?” Related Topics: God's Beautiful CreationNature
- Isaiah 61:1010 I will greatly rejoice in Yahweh! My soul will be joyful in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation. He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. Related Topics: HappinessJoyRejoicingRighteousnessSalvation
- Psalm 113:99 He settles the barren woman in her home as a joyful mother of children. Praise Yah! Related Topics: ChildrenLoving Your MotherMothers
- Matthew 5:11-1211 “Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Related Topics: BullyingEvilJoyLiarsLying
- Luke 2:1010 The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people. Related Topics: Rejoicing
- John 16:3333 I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble; but cheer up! I have overcome the world.” Related Topics: AnxietyDepressionJoyStrengthStress
- Psalm 43:44 Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my exceeding joy. I will praise you on the harp, God, my God. Related Topics: WorshipWorshiping God
- Philippians 4:1919 My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Related Topics: AnxietyGamblingMoneyMotivationWorry
- Psalm 28:6-86 Blessed be Yahweh, because he has heard the voice of my petitions. 7 Yahweh is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him. 8 Yahweh is their strength. He is a stronghold of salvation to his anointed. Related Topics: GraduationJoyStrengthThankfulnessTrust
- Philippians 2:25-3025 But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, fellow soldier, and your apostle and servant of my need, 26 since he longed for you all, and was very troubled because you had heard that he was sick. 27 For indeed he was sick nearly to death, but God had mercy on him, and not on him only, but on me also, that I might not have sorrow on sorrow. 28 I have sent him therefore the more diligently, that when you see him again, you may rejoice, and that I may be the less sorrowful. 29 Receive him therefore in the Lord with all joy, and hold such people in honor, 30 because for the work of Christ he came near to death, risking his life to supply that which was lacking in your service toward me. Related Topics: AcceptanceGod's MercyPain
- Proverbs 15:3030 The light of the eyes rejoices the heart. Good news gives health to the bones. Related Topics: Contentment
- Psalm 126:5-65 Those who sow in tears will reap in joy. 6 He who goes out weeping, carrying seed for sowing, will certainly come again with joy, carrying his sheaves. Related Topics: HappinessHarvestPlanting Seeds
- 1 Chronicles 29:21-2521 They sacrificed sacrifices to Yahweh and offered burnt offerings to Yahweh on the next day after that day, even one thousand bulls, one thousand rams, and one thousand lambs, with their drink offerings and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel, 22 and ate and drank before Yahweh on that day with great gladness. They made Solomon the son of David king the second time, and anointed him before Yahweh to be prince, and Zadok to be priest. 23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of Yahweh as king instead of David his father, and prospered; and all Israel obeyed him. 24 All the princes, the mighty men, and also all of the sons of king David submitted themselves to Solomon the king. 25 Yahweh magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and gave to him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel. Related Topics: Government
- Psalm 40:88 I delight to do your will, my God. Yes, your law is within my heart.” Related Topics: God's Plan
- Acts 13:5252 The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Related Topics: HappinessJoyRejoicing
- Psalm 96:11-1311 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice. Let the sea roar, and its fullness! 12 Let the field and all that is in it exult! Then all the trees of the woods shall sing for joy 13 before Yahweh; for he comes, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, the peoples with his truth. Related Topics: God's Beautiful CreationJudgment DayRejoicingRighteousness
- Ecclesiastes 8:1515 Then I commended mirth, because a man has no better thing under the sun than to eat, to drink, and to be joyful: for that will accompany him in his labor all the days of his life which God has given him under the sun. Related Topics: Contentment
- Romans 12:3-83 For I say through the grace that was given me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think; but to think reasonably, as God has apportioned to each person a measure of faith. 4 For even as we have many members in one body, and all the members don’t have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another, 6 having gifts differing according to the grace that was given to us: if prophecy, let’s prophesy according to the proportion of our faith; 7 or service, let’s give ourselves to service; or he who teaches, to his teaching; 8 or he who exhorts, to his exhorting; he who gives, let him do it with generosity; he who rules, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. Related Topics: GivingGraceHelping OthersHumilityMotivation
- Matthew 13:44-4644 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid. In his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 45 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a merchant seeking fine pearls, 46 who having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. Related Topics: HeavenJoyPutting God FirstSeeking GodWealth
- Psalm 30:55 For his anger is but for a moment. His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Related Topics: Death of a Loved OneDepressionGriefHeartbreakJoy
- Lamentations 5:1515 The joy of our heart has ceased. Our dance is turned into mourning.
- 2 Corinthians 7:1313 Therefore we have been comforted. In our comfort we rejoiced the more exceedingly for the joy of Titus, because his spirit has been refreshed by you all.
- Luke 16:2525 “But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that you, in your lifetime, received your good things, and Lazarus, in the same way, bad things. But here he is now comforted and you are in anguish.
- Hebrews 13:5-65 Be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have, for he has said, “I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you.” 6 So that with good courage we say, “The Lord is my helper. I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Related Topics: CourageFearGamblingMoneyStress
- Proverbs 10:2828 The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hope of the wicked will perish. Related Topics: HopeHope and FaithJoy
- 1 Timothy 6:17-1917 Charge those who are rich in this present age that they not be arrogant, nor have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches, but on the living God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy; 18 that they do good, that they be rich in good works, that they be ready to distribute, willing to share; 19 laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold of eternal life. Related Topics: GivingHopeMoneyTithingTrusting God
- Colossians 1:9-149 For this cause, we also, since the day we heard this, don’t cease praying and making requests for you, that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 that you may walk worthily of the Lord, to please him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, 11 strengthened with all power, according to the might of his glory, for all endurance and perseverance with joy, 12 giving thanks to the Father, who made us fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, 13 who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love, 14 in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins. Related Topics: MotivationPerseverancePrayerStrengthWisdom
- Isaiah 55:1212 For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace. The mountains and the hills will break out before you into singing; and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands. Related Topics: Peace and LoveSinging